Our Blog

Bike Fit Assessment

Preparing for a triathlon or the upcoming Dempsey Challenge? Or, maybe you're just a casual cyclist. Whatever your participation may be, watch as Sam LaRiviere, DPT, talks all things bike fit in our latest video.

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The Benefits of Custom Orthotics Made for You by a Physical Therapist

Did you know that orthotics can help with providing support for your feet? Orthotics are great for anyone who needs a more supportive insole in their shoe, especially for those with conditions such as plantar fasciitis or tendonitis.

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ACL Reconstruction 101

An ACL (or anterior cruciate ligament) rupture is a common sports related injury, that is often noncontact in nature, involving a twisting injury to the knee while the leg is planted to the ground.

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Leveraging Your Body to Improve Your Golf Game

It’s that time of year again!  Time to shine up the golf clubs and hit the links.  After a long winter and less travel, we are all ready, but is our body?

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Are You Suffering from Vertigo?

Have you ever experienced vertigo? It is a common symptom that affects a large number of people. Vertigo creates a sense of spinning when you aren’t actually moving.

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Running for Beginners

Spring in Maine is a time that every Mainer truly looks forward to. The ice is melting, flowers are beginning to bloom, and it's only 40 degrees out, but everyone finds a reason to wear shorts.

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